2018 Youth Protection Workshop

Thu, March 29, 2018 7:30 AM - Wed, March 28, 2018 3:00 PM at The Henry Center for Executive Development, Heritage Room

2018 Youth Protection Workshop Event FlyerProgram Outcomes:

At the close of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the MSU Youth Program Policy Requirements;
  • List MSU Reporting Protocols for suspected incidents of child abuse;
  • Identify signs of child abuse;
  • List examples of how MSU Youth Programs are adhering to the Requirements of the MSU Youth Program Policy;
  • Identify strategies for promoting equity in Youth Programming;
  • Respond to incidents of bias;
  • Respond to incidents of cyber-bullying;
  • Identify strategies for responding to mental health concerns in Youth Programs;
  • Access relevant resources to assist their facilitation of Youth Programs;
  • Address their questions with campus experts.

Intended Audience:

Although this program is designed primarily for Program
Directors and Coordinators, individuals who supervise MSU
Youth Program Directors and those who plan to serve as
Program Directors in the future are welcome to attend.


Questions? Contact David Chupak, MSU Youth Programs Director, at chupakda@msu.edu.

This program was sponsored by the Office of the Provost.

Special thanks to the Workshop Planning Committee: Burt Bargerstock, Deborah DeZure, Sam Miller, Andrea Munford, Theresa Kelley, and Kristine Zayko.