Reporting Suspected Crimes
Emergency Resources
Police, fire, ambulance:9-1-1
Available 24 hours
Green Light Telephones:
Emergency phones strategically placed throughout campus.
Information about MSU Policies related to Title IX
Information about MSU Policies related to Title IX
The MSU Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy apply to all MSU students, employees, or third-party community members, including Youth Program participants.
Consistent with Title IX, MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy and Anti-Discrimination Policy expressly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex. The Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy provides a procedure for reporting and resolving complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and sexual assault), which applies to youth program participants.
What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that receives federal funding.
Discrimination on the basis of sex includes:
- Excluding, separating, denying benefits to, or otherwise treating a person differently on the basis of sex
- Sexual harassment
- Sexual assault
MSU Title IX Coordinator
MSU’s Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s compliance with Title IX, including its complaint procedures, and is available to meet with youth program participants about matters involving sex discrimination.
Laura Rugless, JD
Title IX Coordinator
Email: OCR.LauraRugless@msu.eduOffice for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance
5 Olds Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 884-0610
Website: civilrights.msu.eduReporting Procedures and Resources
All individuals are encouraged to promptly report possible violations of MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy to MSU’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), law enforcement, or both. OIE is responsible for receiving and processing complaints of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual violence), which may involve an investigation. If a person is unsure about reporting and would like assistance in understanding the options, they may contact a Confidential Resource. A list of these resources is available at
For a list of Confidential Resources specifically available for youth, please see "Confidential Resources for Youth" below.
Report to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) by completing the online Public Incident Reporting Form or by calling, emailing, or visiting the OIE office.
Address: 408 W. Circle Dr., Suite 4, Olds Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-353-3922
Online reporting: Public Incident Reporting Form
Contact the MSU Police (or your local law enforcement) for assistance in filing a criminal complaint and preserving physical evidence
MSU Police Department
Address: 1120 Red Cedar Rd., East Lansing, MI 48824
Emergencies: call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Line: 517-355-2221
Reporting Crimes to the Police
Reporting Crimes to Police
MSU Police
(517) 355-2221
1120 Red Cedar Rd.
police.msu.eduEast Lansing Police Dept.
(517) 351-4220
409 Park Lane, East Lansing,
cityofeastlansing.comMeridian Township Police Dept.
(517) 332-6526
5151 Marsh Rd., Okemos
meridian.mi.usLansing Police Department
(517) 483-4600
120 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing Township Police Dept.
(517) 641-6271
14480 Webster Rd., Bath Township
bathtownship.usFind a police station near you -
Confidential Resources for Youth
Local Community Resources
End Violent Encounters (EVE)Lansing, MIProvides confidential & free therapy, group therapy, medical advocacy, and a 24-hour crisis hotline.Website: www.eveinc.org24/7 crisis line: 517-372-5572Firecracker Foundation2450 Delhi Commerce Dr #9Holt, MI 48842Provides confidential & free therapy, support groups for parents and guardians, and trauma-sensitive yoga.Website: www.thefirecrackerfoundation.orgPhone: 517-742-7224Gateway Youth Services2875 Northwind Drive Ste 105East Lansing, MI 48823Helps youth ages 12 through 20 who lack safe, stable, and appropriately supervised housing.Website: www.childandfamily.org24-7 crisis hotline: 517-882-7217Small Talk Children's Advocacy Center3400 Pine Tree Road, Suite 106Lansing, MI 48911A place where children who are victims of physical and sexual abuse can complete an interview for the child abuse investigative process by a trained professional and then receive free, trauma-focused counseling.Website: www.smalltalkcac.orgPhone: 517-253-0728Note: Youth must be referred to Small Talk Children’s Advocacy Center either by Police or by Children’s Protective Services (CPS).Statewide Resource
Statewide Sexual Assault HotlineAvailable for anyone who has ever experienced sexual assault.
24/7 crisis line: 1-855-VOICES4National Resources
National Domestic Violence HotlineConfidential crisis line and crisis chat with a trained support specialist.24/7 crisis line: 1-800-799-7233 (Spanish services available)Crisis chat (online): www.thehotline.orgNational Teen Dating Abuse HelplineLoveisrespect offers support, information, and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. All services are 24/7/365.24/7 crisis line: 1-866-331-9474Text chat: Text LOVEIS to 22522Crisis chat (online): www.loveisrespect.orgRape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)Confidential crisis line and crisis chat with a trained support specialist.24/7 crisis line: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)Crisis chat (online): www.rainn.orgThe Trevor ProjectLeading organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ young people under 25 years old.TrevorLifeLine 24/7/365: 1-866-488-7386TrevorChat 24/7/365: online instant messaging with a TrevorChat counselorTrevorText 24/7/365: text START to 678678 -
MSU Misconduct Hotline
The purpose of the hotline is to provide an anonymous method to report known or suspected misconduct for Michigan State University. Misconduct related to the following areas can be reported through the hotline: fiscal, conflicts of interest, employment, medical/HIPAA, research, safety, athletics, discrimination/harassment, hazing, privacy, retaliation, and any other issue that does not fit another category.
More information and instructions on how to submit a report to the MSU Misconduct Hotline.
- Additional Youth Safety Information