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Specifically, the Director of Youth Programs has 5 primary objectives:

  • Promote compliance of Youth Programs at MSU with policies outlined in the Minimum Operational Requirements for Conducting University Youth Programs.
    • Conduct an annual survey of Youth Programs at MSU to identify all Youth Programs and to assess their compliance with relevant MSU policies.
    • Conduct in-depth audits of MSU Youth Programs to assess compliance with relevant policies and to review relevant documentation, e.g., Youth Program Handbooks, training materials, etc.
  • Provide orientations, training and development, and consultations for MSU Youth Program directors.
  • Communicate relevant MSU policies, best practices, and resources (e.g., templates for handbooks and training materials) to MSU Youth Program directors and staff.
  • Facilitate a MSU Youth Programs Advisory Board comprised of relevant stakeholders to provide ongoing input to the MSU Youth Programs Director.
  • Working with the MSU Youth Programs Advisory Board, establish a process for the central registration of MSU Youth Programs.